Web Site Pointers                                            wsp


On almost all photos on this site, clicking on the thumbnail picture will load a massive, several-screen wide and tall enlargement and then most browsers will automatically reduce the image to a convenient size that nearly fills your screen vertically. If you want to view the massive enlargement, simply click on the intermediate size image.

A small percentage of the photos were made from scanned prints and may be fuzzy on the highest magnification.

Groups of Banjos:

After clicking on this button on the Homepage, place the cursor ( without clicking ) on the group you wish to survey. Immediately to the right a list of banjos will appear. Move the cursor straight to your right and into the list and then up or down to select a specific banjo. The list only provides enough information to make your selection. When you click on your choice, much more detailed info. will be displayed.

At the bottom of the list of banjos in each group, you will find "Information on this Group" which attempts to portray the "big picture" of the group. Many viewers may prefer to read this information before selecting individual banjos.

Below the text for each banjo, you will find a varying number of thumbnail photos that you may enlarge as described above.

Web Site Goals:

In addition to listing my goals, this section displays a useful chart showing the dates and relationships amongst the several firms I think of as the "Fairbanks family". It also suggests several ways viewers may contribute.

Banjo Images:

A cluster of images such as vintage photographs, paintings, prints, and many other items portraying the banjo.

Collection Background:

Discusses my collecting history, interests, and goals and also provides a place to acknowledge several extremely helpful people.


Home Page